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Diploma in Police Interpreting

Exam Preparation Courses for Interpreters

We would like to invite you to our Diploma in Police Interpreting Revision Program.

The sessions are conducted by Ania Heasley, who passed the Test with 3 distinctions. Ania is an experienced public services interpreter and a language tutor with over 20 years experience.

Part 1: Introductory Primer Session, 4 hours, one-to-one Training Session

During these initial sessions we identify your specific learning requirements within the first half an hour of training and the rest of the session is organised accordingly.

The Introductory Session provides an in-depth overview of all the 6 modules of the test, you have a go at completing all the interpreting and translating tasks required to pass each module, and you are given valuable advice, list of resources and extensive training materials for self-study.

English grammar refresher sessions are also available and are arranged on individual basis if such a need is identified.

We cover the following subjects:

· How the DPI Test is structured; oral part and written part

Time limits Strategies for coping
Resources: online and publications
Language specific advice for Polish language candidates

· Detailed overview of each module

1. Technical Translation

How to prepare, resources, common mistakes during the test

2. Simultaneous Interpreting

Format of the exam, how to practise, resources, split attention exercises, self-study advice

3. Sight translation

Type of texts used, practical advice, time constraints during the test

4. Consecutive translation (role play)

Type of role play, what matters during this part

5. Statement taking in a foreign language

Introduction to note taking

6. Translation of a statement into English

The price of the one to one 4 hour session is £130.00 per person


Part 2: Group Revision Full Day Practice Session

This is a full day (7-8 hours) group practice and revision session conducted in groups of 4-12 people.

It is assumed that all candidates have attended the one-to-one Introductory Session and have spent significant amount of time on self-study and practice before attending the Group Revision Session.

The Group Revision Session consists of practising Consecutive, Simultaneous Interpreting, Statement Taking and Sight Translation tasks.

1 hour Technical Translation practice session is also available.

Please contact us for details of next available course dates. We are usually able to offer places on our courses within 4 to 6 weeks of initial enquiry.

The price of the full day group session is £140.00 per person

English – Polish Glossary

We offer an English-Polish police and criminal law glossary, including over 600 terms, plus common phrases and Acts.

Price during the course: £25.00

Price without attending the course: £30 plus £3.50 p&p