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Advertising Options on our website

Text Only Advertising
This option is most suitable for job vacancies listings, or accommodation for rent/sale.
Your advert will be placed on a page/pages of your choice. All adverts are uploaded within 24 of receiving the text.

Please note all prices quoted here are exclusive of VAT, which will be added in all instances at 20%

Text only advertising: £220.00 for a 3 month period, or £75 for 1 month.
This includes listing on both English and Polish language versions, including cost of translation.

Dedicated Web Page / Advertorial Page
We offer you an opportunity to write your own web page promoting your company and services. Your page will become an integral part of our website with a link from a home page or any page(s) of your choice.

Prices: £200 for a 3 months period or £600 for a 12 months period.

Banner Advertising
Banner advertising takes place on the top, left and right hand side of the web site.

Please remember to send us your banner image which must be of a standard 468×60 pixels (Full Banner) in size for the Top Banner and 120×240 pixels (Vertical Banner) for the vertical Left or Right Banner.

These are updated within 24 hours of receiving the banner. It is advised that you contact us beforehand to discuss your requirements.

This option will place your banner advert in the prime location on the top of each and every page of the site. Your banner will appear on average 4000 times per day. It will be a part of a rotation of a maximum of 5 banners.

Prices: £200 for a 3 month period or £500 per year in advance.
Booking your space for the year, you will not only save money, but will also be guaranteed no price increase over the year as site traffic grows.

This option will place your banner advert on the left hand side of each and every page of the site. Your banner will appear on average 4000 times per day. It will be a part of a rotation of a maximum of 5 banners.

Prices: £100 for a 3 month period or £300 per year in advance.
Booking your space for the year, you will not only save money, but will also be guaranteed no price increase over the year as site traffic grows.

This option will give your company the maximum possible exposure from banner advertising on the site. You will have your banner displayed in both banner rotations (both have a maximum of 5 banners in the rotation), giving you an average of 8000 impressions of your banner per day

Prices: £250 for 3 months in advance OR £700 per year in advance.
Booking your space for the year will not only save you money over the year, but will also guarantee no price increase over the year as site traffic grows.

If you have any question regarding the above then please email us

Featured Adverts
Adverts displayed in a box on the right hand side of each page. These boxed adverts are displayed permanently for the duration of the advertising period requested. These can include your website address and can be a link to your website.

Cost: £250 for a 3 months period or £90 for 1 month.

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